Ontario Building Safer Roads and Communities

While Ontario has some of the safest roads in North America, one in three fatalities is caused by impaired driving and one in five involves large trucks.

That is why the Ontario government introduced legislation that would protect people and families from road users who engage in dangerous and illegal activities such as alcohol or drug impaired driving, stunt driving and auto theft.

The Safer Roads and Communities Act would also increase the powers of officers responsible for truck and commercial safety by allowing them to exceed posted speed limits for enforcement purposes, compel trucks and commercial vehicles to pull over and confiscate fraudulent or suspended driver’s licences.

Additionally, the government will lead a comprehensive review of commercial driving training and hold province-wide stakeholder roundtables to seek industry and public feedback on measures to improve road safety.

If passed, the legislation would also enable the government to categorize more dangerous e-bikes into distinct classes such as by maximum weight or speed, to improve safety on the road for pedestrians, bikes and cars.

Learn more: Ontario Building Safer Roads and Communities

Backgrounder: The Safer Roads and Communities Act